Understanding Customers at Scale using AI/ML workflows

HarmonizeAi is a voice of customer platform that leverages large language models to break apart very large corpuses of text based data and uncover patterns and trends from unstructured data. Harmonize provides ways for product managers, marketers, and sophisticated sales teams to understand the pain points and pleasure opportunities for companies who sell a product or service digitally. Today's modern buyer obviously has access to a multitide of reviews, viewpoints from key opinion leaders, and others in the market.
Harmonize helps marketers better understand customers abd see their offerings from the perspective of the customer. Through hearing and understanding their own words, marketers are able to truly understand the pain points and levers that they're able to impact to improve customer experience across the entire journey.
The core insight behind harmonize is that the engine looks at a vast array of data and allows AI Model fine tuning within the product.
By using a combination of grammar based rules and also human in the loop based classification, more and more of a brand’s experiential exhaust can be used to develop business cases, product roadmaps, and marketing plans.